PROMENTORS Kick-Off Meeting, February 2020- Talpiot College, Holon


A three-day kick-off meeting for the Promentors ERASMUS+ project was held at Talpiot College, Holon, Israel between February 17- 19, 2020.

Both European and Israeli partners participated in this event. During the meetings, each participant presented their institutions and the members of their team.

The management team led by Dr. Reuma De-Groot, Dr. Raul Drachman and Dr. Bila Bashan presented the main objectives, activities, expected outcomes of the project and the important role of dissemination for the program. The main responsibilities of each partner were also discussed.

On the second day of the meetings, the discussion focused on the work plan for the first six months of the program and the specific working packages that were relevant for this period. The participants were divided into two groups to discuss each one of these work packages. Important Israeli policy makers from the Ministry of Education’s mentoring program also participated in a panel discussion. Later, all the partners enjoyed a lovely tour in Tel Aviv and a very tasty dinner.

On the third day of the meetings, the participants continued their group work which was then summarized in a plenary session. The managerial issues were discussed followed by two presentations on mentoring models.

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