Promoting Mentors’ Work in Education
Improving the quality of teacher-training in Israel through an efficient and sustainable mentoring system based on best EU practices.
This is an Erasmus+ three year project that aims to expand the successful MIT models (Multiplayer Induction Team) that was developed in the PROTEACH ERASMUS+ project. The MIT models will serve as a basis for a new model of training for mentors that is carried out by teacher-training academic colleges in Israel.
My Academic and Personal Exploration in Lublin
Go Visit Schools!
Being a Catholic in Lublin!!
Can an MIT Incubator Wander? In Hemdat Academic It Can!
Peer-Group Mentoring for Teacher Development in Finland
Partnerships in Training – Amazing Experience Under the Umbrella of the Promentors Project
Community Mentoring – Benefits & Risks
So how did I end up here? PROMENTORS & I
The Cheesecake Story: my Insight on Partnership and Promentors
European Conference on Educational Research ECER 2022- In Person (August 23-25, 2022), ECER 2022 Plus- Online (September 1- 10, 2022)
PROMENTORS – Promoting Mentors’ Work in Education John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland May 9-12, 2022
Promentors PGM Seminar in Jyväskylä, Finland, October 11-14, 2021
PROMENTORS Kick-Off Meeting, February 2020- Talpiot College, Holon
Dr Ewelina Świdrak
Dr Ewelina Świdrak
Researcher at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, specializes in teacher training for early/elementary education, and psychological aspects of teachers work in classroom e.g. group dynamics, communication between students and teacher, students discipline and motivation, hidden curriculum.
Dr. Yaser Awad
Dr. Yaser Awad
Dr. Yaser Awad has Ph.D. in applied statistician Actuary Science and research methodology, who has been working in the field of teacher training for over 14 years. He is Vice-President for research, planning and strategic, the head of the advanced studies unit, Director professional development Center, Director of Pre- preparatory academic program, head of the International Relations Unit, and the LEAR of the College in Erasmus+ program.
Dr. Idit Pasternak
Dr. Idit Pasternak
Idit Pasternak is head of the Induction Unit and lecturer at Talpiot College in Holon. Main interests in research – New teachers and their integration into teaching.
Dr. Rimona Cohen
Dr. Rimona Cohen
The Coordinator and Mentor of beginning teachers at Porsim Kanaf Unit in Beit-Berl Academic College. Manager of the College team in the ProMentors Project.
Matti Pennanen
Matti Pennanen
Works as a project researcher at the Finnish institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä. His research interests are focused on teachers’ professional development and collaborative practices in the Finnish education system. Pennanen is finalizing his doctoral studies to Faculty of Education
and anticipates to defend his thesis in 2020.
Dr. Ihab Zubeidat
Dr. Ihab Zubeidat
Ihab is a senior Lecturer, PhD in Clinical and Health Psychology. Coordinator of Mentors and Beginning Teachers at Sakhnin College, where he also serves as a researcher and lecturer in a Special Education Department, Educational Counseling and Learning Disabilities Departments.
Vardit Israel
Vardit Israel
Vardit Israel is a lecturer at Kaye College, facilitator of internship and mentoring courses, and mentoring coordinator at the college. She is also a PhD student at Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Vardit is a certified educational counselor and she also works as an advisor for the Ministry of Education Psychological and Counseling Services.
Prof' Hannu Heikkinen
Prof' Hannu Heikkinen
Hannu Heikkinen is a professor in education in the Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER) located in University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
Dr. Marta Buk-Cegiełka
Dr. Marta Buk-Cegiełka
Researcher at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, specializes in teacher training for pre-school, elementary and primary education. She also conducts research into integral development of children in early childhood.
Dr. Agnieszka Linca
Dr. Agnieszka Linca
Researcher at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, specializes in general pedagogy and psycho pedagogical counselling. Involved deeply into teacher students curriculum designing.
Dr. Sameer Magadly
Dr. Sameer Magadly
Head of the Teachers Induction Unit at Al Qasemi Academy
Lecturer at the Education department and a Moderator of the Internship Workshop, Internships mentor, and Executive Director of Challenges Project
His areas of research are Organizational Culture, and teachers induction
Dr. Waleed Dallasheh
Dr. Waleed Dallasheh
Dr. Waleed Dallasheh is a senior lecturer, head of the Master’s Degree Program in Teaching (M. TEACH), Head of the Induction Department & the Promentors Project Manager at the College of Sakhnin.
Malka Zinker
Malka Zinker
Malka, has a M.A. in Mentoring Teachers from Haifa University. She is a pedagogical advisor and a member of the academic teaching faculty of the English Department at Gordon Academic College of Education. In addition, Malka is a leading pedagogical advisor in the special Academic Peer program (Amit Academia) at Gordon College.
Dr. Mihaela Stîngu
Dr. Mihaela Stîngu
A lecturer at Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences and coordinator of Center for Development and Training in Higher Education at the University of Bucharest.
Dr. Elena Marin
Dr. Elena Marin
An educational expert and lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (University of Bucharest).
Bryan Smith
Bryan Smith
Bryan is a Lecturer in Education at the Graduate School of Education, University of Exeter and Subject (more…)
Dr. Haya Kaplan
Dr. Haya Kaplan
Haya Kaplan (PhD) is a Senior Lecturer at Kaye Academic College of Education. She is the head of Kaye Induction Unit and the head of the Center for Motivation and Self Determination. She is also the head of the Educational Counseling M.Ed program in the College and manager of the PROMENTOR team at Kaye College.
Dr. Bilha Bashan
Dr. Bilha Bashan
The Head of the Continuous Education Department, and the head of Research Authority in Talpiot College Holon, Israel and the Promentors’ Project Coordinator
Dr. Safieh Hassonah-Arafat
Dr. Safieh Hassonah-Arafat
The head of Porsim Kanaf Unit and The internship coordinator at the Arab Academic Institute forEducation in Beit-Berl Academic College. Researcher at the College team in the ProMentors Project.
Pnina Fux
Pnina Fux
MEd in teaching English as a second language. A pedagogical advisor and lecturer in the English department at the Gordon Academic College of Education, Haifa, Israel. Leads internship and professional development courses for English teachers at Gordon.