Cohesion in Education Conference: Coherence in the Stages of Teacher Training, Specialization and Professional Learning- Mofet Institute, March 9, 2021


The Israeli partners of the Erasmus + project Promentors had the honor to be an important focus of the Cohesion in Education Conference hosted by the Mofet Institutue. Dr. Bilha Bashan, the coordinator of the project, and Dr. Reuma De- Groot, the head of the project, led a symposium during which the rationale, goals and framework of the project and its significance to both the theoretical and practical aspects of mentors and mentor training were presented and discussed. Topics that were presented in the first session of the symposium included: Towards paradigms and new models in mentoring that include a conceptual framework for strengthening coherence in the Promentors project; Sharing and collaboration and what lies between them: the opportunities, the complexities and the challenges; Partnership in the development of a local incubator: A Critical Look at the linking the parts of the puzzle; and the College-Ministry of Education district -Municipal Partnerships in the  Promentors Incubator; Continuity Partnership: Netiv Yitzhak School as a Case Story.

In the second session of the symposium, the Promentors continued the focus on the project, the partnerships and cooperative work as an integral part of the partners’ work, practical aspects in the field and research. Topics that were presented included: Synergistic Circles in continuous development in the local incubators in the city of Rishon LeTzion; Partnerships between theory and reality; and Partnerships and collaborations of Kibbutzim Seminar and the mentoring kindergarten teachers community in Holon.

In addition, Irit Sarig, the Ministry of Education official responsible for mentors for interns and novice teachers and an integral partner in the Promentors project, discussed the partnerships of the project and their significance in the field.

9Dr. Dalia Emanuel- Noi, one of the leaders of the project and an official of the Ministry of Education official, concluded the Promentors symposium with a presentation of training mentors in incubators for beginning teachers in the Promentors project: A look at accreditation processes.

The symposium was informative and inspiring to all the participants and brought to forefront how partnerships within Israel and with European partners lead to important and innovative changes in the field and in academia.

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