Promentors December 2020 Monthly Meeting Partner Colleges’ Internal Evaluation


The monthly meeting of the Israeli Promentors partners focused on the tools and processes of internal assessment of the mentors’ course syllabi and courses. Ainat Guberman from the Mofet Institute presented the formative assessment rubric for the internal assessment of the syllabi. This assessment tool focused on the criterion of compatibility to the Ministry of Education mentors courses’ syllabi  and goals of the Promentor project; involvement and cooperative work with other stakeholders in the design and implementation of the syllabi and courses; adaptation of syllabi and courses during the Covid19 period and the issues of accreditation. In addition, the criterion of content; facilitation and participation; evaluation and feedback; and outputs are essential criterion of the tool and were focused on in the presentation. The partners divided into groups for further analysis and discussion of the assessment tool and processes and reported their insights to the plenary.

Ainat summarized by stating that the tool is internal and is formative assessment and, as such, is meant to help evaluate adaptations and plans of action as a result of the analysis and assessment. She reminded the partners that the interview stage of the assessment should be implemented in December and the recordings sent to Mofet to be transcribed. Moreover, the syllabus analysis should be completed within a month. Finally, Ainat requested comments, insights and suggestions be sent to the evaluation team to optimize the effectiveness of the tools used.

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