Promentors Meeting- Israeli Partners March 8, 2022


Seminar HaKibbutzim hosted a thought- provoking meeting of the Israeli partners of Promentors on March 2, 2022. The first session of the morning focused on the personal stories of three women (a mentor, the MIT facilitator and the Ministry of Education inspector for early education) who are partners and participants in the MIT kindergarten teachers learning community in the city of Holon.  Each shared with the Promentors team their experiences, insights and their thoughts for the future of mentoring and mentoring training in the city.

The second session was a panel discussion on the role of mentoring in the school context and included stakeholders, such as two secondary school principals, the head of the Ramat Gan educational department, and both a former and current general inspector of the Ministry. The main focuses centered around defining what a mentor is , the challenges in the field, the mentor as part of the assessment process of interns and the processes within school frameworks. In addition, there was an insightful discussion together with the Promentors partners about the issues, challenges and possible solutions for the future.

The final session of the day dealt with issues and topics of the project. The partners presented the joint session of Kaye and Levinsky colleges at Kseifa, in the South of Israel, which gave an opportunity for the stakeholders of Tseifa and Rishon LeTzion to learn from each other and share their experiences. The conclusion was that although there are differences between the populations, we are all actually the same with the same challenges and successes.  In addition Dr. Bilha Bashan and Dr. Reuma de Groot presented a summary of the colleges’ insights  and recommendations of the Promentor project at the mid- point of the project..

The Promentors session at Seminar HaKibbutzim was an insightful day that gave the opportunity for the partners to learn from others as well as reflect on the processes, challenges and successes of mentoring in Israel and in Promentors.

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