Promentors Meeting- Israeli Partners – May 6th, 2021


The Israeli partners of the Promentors project met together at Levinsky College for the first face to face meeting since the beginning of Covid 19. The meeting was an excellent opportunity to meet each other physically and to continue building relationships which are so essential in the project. In addition, the meeting brought to the forefront various aspects of the stage that Promentors is currently implementing. The session began with an overview of the project’s progress and future goals. Seminar Hakibbutzim and Sahknin College reported on the evaluation process of the syllabi, according to the template and guidelines given including the first insights and aspects that make the mentors’ courses unique in the Promentors project. Suggestions were given about focus, use of terminology and correct English. The team presented a chart of the colleges’ reports results and discussed the similarities, differences and what the next stages should be.

Beit Berl College together with Levinsky College, presented a model of a Master’s degree course for accreditation. The goals, format, main focuses of content and consideration in the planning and implementation stages were presented. In addition, there was a discussion of aspects of accreditation, conditions for acceptance to the program and certification. The team stated the importance of the immediate publicizing of next year’s courses and clear future planning of the courses, including planning for the courses after the end of the Promentors project. Levinsky College and Hemdat Academic College led workshops dealing with various aspects of the mentor courses.  Hemdat Academic College focused on pedagogical resilience and resilience as a focus of the course and college. Levinsky College led a workshop that gave Promentors partners the opportunity to experience various activities which are part of the Promentors Mentor courses. The workshop was implemented by activity stations.

The final session of the meeting focused on future events and important information dealing with the implementation of the project in the colleges, the financial reports and future meetings in Israel and abroad.

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