Promentors’ MITs meeting- Two Cultures with Similar Challenges!


The Promontors MIT of Kuseife was hosted at the Promentors MIT of Rishon Lezion. Attending were interns, new teachers, mentors, principals, education department heads, a ORT network representative and policymakers from both incubators. Also present were representatives from the Ministry of Education, the MOFET Institute, facilitators and representatives from the Lewinsky-Wingate Academic Center and from Kay College.

Promentors is an international project that takes place as part of the EU’s Erasmus + program. Kay College and Lewinsky-Wingate Academic Center are partners in the project along with other Israeli colleges of Education and four universities in Europe. The project focuses on promoting the training processes of mentors in Israel.

This was a meaningful and exciting meeting, a meeting between localities and teachers from different cultures. We hope to continue a partnership in the future.

Link to a short video!

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